Thursday 20 September 2012

Why should you control your drinking?...

First off, alcohol is bloody expensive.   In the UK, about 35% of the price of a pint goes straight to the government.  Secondly, alcohol consumption is linked to a whole raft of conditions such as various cancers, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver cirrhosis etc.  Thirdly, alcohol loads the body with excess 'empty' calories.  Lastly, it gives you the "munchies", making you fill your face with junk food and snacks that you don't need.  It makes sense to get a handle on your drinking for the sake of your health and your pocket, doesn't it?

Alcohol.   The legal drug that robs you until it kills you.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

The fox is guarding the chickens...

Following on from my previous post.   THE BIG PHARMA PAY-OFF

Your body has wonderful built-in mechanisms which allow it to heal itself.   All it requires is for you to give it a little space.

Monday 10 September 2012

Heal yourself

It has been said that an inscription was found on an Egyptian pyramid dating back thousands of years BC.   It reads:

"A man lives on one quarter of what he eats. On the other three quarters, lives his physician."

The rise in obesity and obesity related conditions such as adult-onset diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and various cancers to name but a few, should really come as no surprise.   The western world is fighting a losing battle with food.   Why is this?   Well, there are plenty of organisations (charities, junk food and pharmaceutical companies, and the governments who receive donations from them) with a vested interest in keeping people unhealthy.   Think about it.   If folk actually made the effort to fast on a regular basis, they would drastically improve their health and many would no longer need to take medication.   If you are the head of a cancer charity, junk-food chain or large pharmaceutical organisation receiving vast sums in donations and/or making billions per annum, this would not be good news.

Time to wise up people.

Out with the old, in with the new. . .

My gym membership has been put on hold whilst I wait for an operation on my shoulder.   Consequently, I have kicked out the original plan and replaced it with something better.   Please familiarise yourselves with Intermittent Fasting *

*It's not a diet, it's a way of life.   Literally.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Professor Mark Mattson

Professor Mark Mattson is of the specialists Michael Mosley visited whilst in the U.S making the Horizon fasting program.   He's annoyingly fit, healthy, and very enthusiastic about Intermittent Fasting which he practices all the while.   Here's a little bit about him culled from Wikipedia

"Mark Mattson, laboratory chief of neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging has done research on IF and says "Our genes, our genetics, are geared to us having food intermittently. ... I’m comfortable with saying that it’s healthy, it’s fine, to skip meals. The animal studies are very clear. ... I think it’s better to eat one meal a day than six small meals. You need to challenge your system. ... It’s OK not to eat three meals a day. It’s OK a couple days a week to eat just one meal. It’s actually not only OK, it’s healthy." Mattson practices IF himself, skipping breakfast and lunch during the week, and rarely exceeding 2000 kcals/day. He's 130 pounds at five foot nine inches. He says he gets most of his calories from whole grains, nuts, fish, and yogurt."


As you can see by the lack of activity, I have been ignoring my blog somewhat, and yes, I have fallen off the wagon too.   I'm not making excuses - I'm a bloke who is rubbish when it comes to following a regime.   However, I shall not use that as an excuse to totally give up - that would be silly.   I watched the Horizon program again last night and was spurred to get back on track.