
Disclaimer   Not everything you read in these pages may be strictly true.   I'm not a doctor, nutrition expert or sports coach.   I'm a common or garden chubby fat git (obesito illegitimo).   All comments are mine and mine alone, unless otherwise stated.   Before embarking on any exercise regime, or doing as I do, speak to your doctor.   I will not be held liable blah blah blah.   You get the idea.

I used to be an eleven stone racing cyclist, riding between 20 and 30 miles on most days (when I wasn't racing). . .then I discovered beer and cigarettes.

Regular drinking, smoking, and eating the wrong kinds of food (so I thought *), plus being in a sedentary job, resulted in my weight going up to almost 16 stones.

I've done all kinds of diets over the years; cranberry juice, Atkins, cabbage-soup, F-Plan, food-combining, low-carb, low-fat, 30 day fat-burner....   You name it, I've tried it and guess what? none of them worked.   Yes, I would lose a few lbs, but I'd also find myself craving the stuff I loved, most of which was forbidden. . . so I'd cut corners. . . and cheat a bit. . . and then I'd just give up (again).

There is a history of heart disease in my family, and as I'm fast approaching fifty years of age, getting my weight down to a sensible figure and being healthier isn't just a 'nice to have', it's imperative.

My wife and kids grew bored of hearing the same old story every year ". . .I'm going to lose weight"   ". . .this year I will get fitter than ever"   ". . .I'll be slim in time for the summer holidays".   The other day, our son called to me from the kitchen "Hey Dad! I want to be just like you when I grow up".   He then appeared with a cushion shoved up under his shirt.   It was quite funny at the time, but it really got me thinking.

So, I decided to do something about it.   Rather than make another empty promise and let my family down again, I'm keeping quiet.   Well, not exactly, as I'll be publishing my progress on this blog for anyone who cares to read it.   Successes, temptations and failures, all of them will be listed here.   Any useful information will get listed too.   Feel free to check back now and then.   Just don't laugh too much OK?

*  There is no such thing as the wrong kind of food, just moderate your intake.   That said, eating pure lard probably isn't a good idea.