Friday 30 August 2013

A strange phenomena

Travelling to distant lands and eating exotic spicy foods can play havoc with one's constitution.  On my return from the summer holiday, I took another week off to go fishing.  During this time I continued with the holiday lifestyle at home, but was pleasantly surprised to see that my weight had dropped by almost 5lb this morning.  As I have not been exercising or fasting during this time, I can only think I must have carried home some stowaways from Tunisia which have now been released back into the wild!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Holidays should be enjoyed to the full.

I've been enjoying fine food and drink at a 5 star all inclusive hotel.  No fasting, no exercise (apart from walking to and from the pool bar).  I loved every minute of it.  Yes, my weight went up by 3lb.  No big deal.  Someone once said to me "I eat sensibly all the time, I don't drink alcohol, I don't snack, and I hit the gym 5 times per week".  I could only think "'re missing out on the good things in life. At least you will look good when they put you in your coffin."

Remember to keep some perspective.

Friday 9 August 2013

Blip? nah

As mentioned by Fast-5 creator, Dr. Bert Herring, my weight has gone up by a pound and a half this week.  No big deal but thought I'd mention it anyways.  Probably increased leg muscle mass from spinning (joke).  However, I'm sticking with the program, as many people have reported great results from following it.

Friday 2 August 2013


Pound and a half down this week.  Was tempted to get a bacon buttie from the canteen this morning, but resisted.  Oh, and I found the setting on our posh new BMI calculating scales which shows ounces. 

Thursday 1 August 2013


I went spinning on Tuesday and after 25 minutes had to ease off, it was that hard.  For any of you who thinks spinning is for wimps, give it a go.  Obviously, you can make it as hard or as easy as you like.  Looking at how fresh a couple of participants were at the end, I'd say they may have (conveniently) forgotten to turn up the resistance.  Do it properly, and I guarantee your legs and lungs will know you have been working.

Did a session of light weights in the gym last night, plus an easy 20 minutes on the stationary bike to try to loosen my legs in readiness for tonights spinning class.  Yes, it is addictive.